I really like working with people helping them to find internal strength and resources for reaching their desired goals, finding ways out of their deadlocks and searching for their uniqueness through coaching approach.
Coaching is a method of searching for solutions through deep questions and self-exploration helping to see new ways for reaching your desired outcomes or going out of crisis.
It is about deep internal work and honesty with yourself where coach serves as a mirror lighting specific patterns of behavior or thinking.
Insights that client gets within this work and his internal transformation comes when he sees himself full 360 picture of his life and his ineffective strategies. Specifically out of this clarity one can find truly transformational insights and new ways forward.
What areas can you work on with me:everything that relates to future aims (we are not working with your previous traumas as this is more of a psychotherapy area)
- motivation search, going out of deadlocks
- impostor syndrome, search for uniqueness
- overcoming barriers for your aims
- relations (part that you can influence only from your side)
- work, career building, work/life balance
- ... and much more that you want but cannot reach out to yet